Stealth Structure - Step
This Step course will focus on building step combinations with stealth structure, not predictable patterns, and using smooth transitions within a combination to create an entire class accessible to many while still challenging for the more experienced steppers. We will experience the benefits and challenges of ‘mirroring’ while teaching. We will also learn how to increase the intensity of the step movements without increasing impact, allowing everyone to get an incredible cardio workout without watering down the choreography. Cueing is Key! We will explore the best and most efficient ways to cue steps, including visual and verbal cues adding a flare of the individual personality without being robotic.
Learning objectives:
You will be able to choreograph a solid class with smooth transitions and a stealth structure of building combinations.
You will be able to design a challenging cardiovascular step class for all fitness levels without boring anyone or leaving anyone behind.
You will be able to cue precisely so that your students can achieve seamless transitions within the combinations for maximum success in class. You will better understand how and when to ‘mirror’ your class.