In this cycle training, we will cover proper cycle fitting using cues and phrases that will bring continuity to any cycling program and help reduce injury or discomfort from poor positioning on the bike. We will spend time discussing correct posture and form in multiple cycle positions, again stressing visualization cues and form cues to help our clients get the most out of their cycle class. And finally, we will differentiate between Interval classes, Endurance rides, Hill classes, and Ride to the Beat classes. All this to help us to be better instructors and have more continuity of instruction across the board in any program.
Learning objectives:
You will be able to explain proper fit to your students for a safe bike setup to ensure a comfortable class and less risk of injury.
You will be able to demonstrate and cue correct posture, form, and peddle stroke in all cycle positions.
You will know how to differentiate between different types of cycle classes to better design your cycle class within the scope of their description.