Mix It Up Circuit with TRX
In this course, we will update the traditional strength and conditioning classes by adding multiple elements and specific class templates and designs and bringing in an element of multi-muscular work, movements in multiple plains, and multi-directional patterns. This work will strengthen the muscles while improving heart health and increasing metabolism. We will focus on exercises that are suitable for a circuit style class with more functional movements that can translate better into everyday life. The circuit class will enhance the enjoyment of life outside of the gym.
But none of this can be done without careful attention to form and proper safety cues. While this can be accomplished easier in one-on-one training; we will give special attention to how to do this effectively in a group fitness setting.
Learning objectives:
You will be able to design a multi-muscular, multi-planar, and multi-directional circuit class with multiple format designs and outlines to be more efficient and enable a full-body workout.
You will be able to design a class with many forms of equipment to work functional movement in everyday life with confidence and skill.
Most importantly, you will have a keen eye and know-how to effectively cue form and safety in a group setting.